Preservation Committee
What is the committee?
Concerned about what is happening to a historic structure in Oakland? The Preservation Action Committee focuses on working with project applicants, city staff, and community groups to ensure that Oakland’s historic fabric is respected and seen as an asset rather than an obstacle.
How do I join?
Please email our office to learn more about the committee and to join.
Current Projects
Southern Pacific 16th Street Train Station - Development continues around the station, but the station remains vacant. We are working to ensure new development respects the history and design of the station. We continue to partner with neighborhood groups to find a future use. The station was damage in the 1989 earthquake and is in desperate need of restoration before the big one hits. If you care about this significant West Oakland structure, join us to advocate for it.

Moss House - Long owned and neglected by the City of Oakland, this structure is at major risk of fire due and break-ins. We have partnered with the Mosswood Rec Center to find a future for the house. We monitor the house and hold the city accountable for securing the structure. More must happen though, so if you care about parks and Oakland maintaining its architectural legacy, join us.

CCA Campus - CCA has left Oakland after 100 years and the site is currently being looked at for a housing project. While Mack Hall and the Carriage House are proposed for retention, all of the campus era buildings are proposed for demolition. OHA is working with the Upper Broadway Advocates to retain more of the campus era buildings. Join us if you care about the CCA campus and want a voice in its future!
Preservation Wins

GE Plant - OHA was instrumental in GE retaining and reusing an 18 acre former factory site. Without OHA's intervention, the site would have been simply capped with asphalt, creating a dead zone in the city.

King Block - OHA read the details in the Lake Merritt Station Area plan to hold the city accountable with regards to historic preservation at the King Block site.

1100 Broadway - OHA provided key design feedback to ensure a new office building fit in nicely next to its historic neighbor. The new office building provides seismic support to the historic structure, which was vacant since the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake.

1100 Broadway - OHA was able to improve the design of 1100 Broadway from these designs to the one you see today, which emphasizes verticality rather than a set of cubes.
The Planning Commission promotes the orderly growth and development of the City through studies, decisions on development proposals, policy recommendations to the City Council, and related activities.
The Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board identifies historic landmarks in Oakland, conducts design review hearings on historic properties, and advises the Planning Commission and City Council on preservation.
The City of Oakland has an extensive Historic Preservation Element, a historic survey of buildings, and tax programs such as the Mills Act.
Rehab Right fills the gap in home repair literature left by conventional home improvement books (typically insensitive to architectural design) and by restoration manuals (usually cursory in their technical explanations). As a result, the instructions in Rehab Right range from simple methods to complicated projects.
The Oakland Public Library and the Oakland History Center offer extensive archives to help advocate for Oakland's resources
Naomi Schiff
Chris Buckley
Mary Harper
Feleciai Favroth
Daniel Levy